Saturday, December 28, 2013

Horse swapping

Rolex Girl watching
John and I swapped horses today. He took Harley on a ride yesterday and had a good time. So he announced I was riding Rolex today and he'd take Harley again. They are such different horses to ride, and Harley even more so when he goes solo. He's braver with Rolex's company, yet he moves out at a better pace when he's alone. Rolex is a more athletic horse with a spring in her step, a consistent forward walk, and a lot less spooky. Her only fault, if you can call it that, is she hates being passed on the way home. So if she's leading--give her hind feet a wide berth! Otherwise, Harley can have his head right behind her--just NO PASSING!

We rode out to Orris Falls with a nice trot going, but once Harley veered off onto a non-packed trail, he came right down to a walk. John said he got spooked by snowshoers on the trail yesterday. What are those funny things on their feet? Yikes!
Harley pondering his next move

The trees still had loads of snow in their branches, many just low enough to dump it down my back. I could have used a scarf to keep it off my neck! We had a couple of lovely canters on the packed trails where the footing was awesome. Rolex got in a couple of extra canters when Harley was still trotting, maybe hoping she could pass him!

Harley pulled his first stunt as we approached the brook from the trail along the chasm. I said to John, "You know what he's going to do?" And sure enough, he tried to pull left and head for home, but John brought him around and he forged through the brook with Rolex right behind, after sizing it up with a small snort.

At the next brook crossing, Harley jumped over it--one he usually just steps across. John must have asked him to take the leap. Even Rolex hopped the brook.

I passed the camera to John for the rest of the ride. 

We rode out to the other end of Orris Falls where we met 2 snowshoers enjoying the fine hiking weather. Everyone had big smiles today.

Then we had  a bit of road riding before cutting back into the meadow at Three Maples Farm. Now that we'd turned for home, I asked John to keep it under control in the field until we hit the woods. We had a nice, controlled trot--no bucking or racing, which I thought might occur. The horses were awesome and I was thoroughly enjoying my ride on Rolex.

We rode through Tatnic Woods and then onto the Nature Trails--the funny place with the kooky signs and bits of odd rubble here and there.

Both Rolex and Harley had to take a long look at this building. It's a small shack that does NOT serve any food. I have no idea why this sign is posted on it, nor do I know what the shack's purpose is--some remnant bob house/restaurant that was hauled off the ice and into the woods?

Once the horses determined no snow monsters would jump out at them, and that no feed was forthcoming, we continued on our way out to the road near North Point.

Suddenly, Harley pulled up so fast he slid on the ice. Up ahead, two women were pulling a toddler on a sled and making silly noises. Harley wouldn't budge. Rolex, always curious, decided to move in for a closer look which convinced Harley to follow. Every now and then, the women would run along with the sled, yellling, "WEEEEE!" Finally, we had to pass them in order to get home. They pulled off the trail behind a parked pickup, so I warned Harley, "Look out, there behind the truck!" More smiling people and a smiling baby.
Back up the trail behind Skinners and out onto Thurrell Road, headed for home--an awesome ride!

1 comment:

  1. Your pictures cannot get any more fun loving and beautiful. Oh, life in Maine with horses! I can imagine my brumby also giving the snowshoers a second look--weird feet for sure. Almost as bad as the kid pushing his own stroller we encountered the other day. Lilly could not make too much sense of it. Happy New Year to you and John and the equines. All fill me with joy.


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