Friday, January 4, 2013

New Year's Day ride

Beware snowshoers, Harley!
John had to work New Year's Day, but I didn't want to  miss out on a fine day of riding. Yes, it was still frigid and the wind whipped up the pasture hillside. But I figured it wouldn't be too bad in the woods. My plans included checking out the trail conditions for skijoring. The snow needs to be packed down for Harley so he can trot easily.

We got some respite from the wind once we got on the trail. Unfortunately, Harley was breaking down through a good six to eight inches, so I don't think we'll be skijoring yet. I didn't push him to go too far. There's nothing worse than getting in a late ride and coming back to the barn with a sweaty horse. Then you are left trying to dry off your horse before the single digit temperatures creep in on silent feet. So I kept it short, only riding up to the trail junction with Big Bump. Harley gladly turned for home. I planned on keeping it easy, but he quickly picked up a trot, and once we hit the flats, decided it was time to canter. I went along for the ride, literally, because bitless bridles have no brakes. I think I've said that before! Lucky for me, there's a big metal gate at the end of the trail. I got him back down to a walk before we reached it--I think Harley enjoyed that little sprint! I know I did.

When he starts getting antsy, he hates to be held at a walk. I'm better off letting him trot and release his pent up energy. Plus it's easier to ride a horse going forward than one going sideways, tossing his head in frustration! Heck, he's a Thoroughbred and wants to run!

Everyone got a nice warm mash of alfalfa and beet pulp for a New Year's night treat!

1 comment:

  1. Those Pictures WeRe GORGEOUS!!!
    I Missed This Post, And Now Have Been Thrilled..
    And***You Actually Said It," Bitless Bridles Have No Brakes".

    A Yea, You Got That Right...Though Mt Sister Used To Train And Gallop TB Race Horses, And There Is The Race Horse Stop, It Even Works For Bitless, Though Not Quite As Effective.
    I'll Have To Video It Sometime...
    Loved This Post!!


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